Our Workshops and Programs
Women and Leadership (globally relevant)
· Half-day workshop: Kick Some Glass – an interactive, deep-dive workshop focused on 5 of the ways women can succeed at work on their own terms; intended for women
· Full-day workshop: Kick Some Glass – an interactive, deep-dive workshop focused on all 10 of the ways women can succeed at work on their own terms; intended for women
· Multi-day and multi-session programs designed based on an organization’s needs
Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity
· Two-hour workshop: White Privilege – an interactive workshop for white people to understand the origination and impact of White Privilege
· Half-day workshop: Unconscious Bias – an interactive orientation workshop for leaders at all levels to understand their biases that affect the way they lead (globally relevant)
· Full-day workshop: Privilege, White Supremacy, and Allyship – an interactive workshop for white people to understand the history of racism in the US and begin to explore their role as allies in our nation’s struggle for equity, inclusion, and diversity