Thought Leadership
Podcast Interviews
Allyship among Women at Work The Manifista Podcast with Portia Mount
In this episode host Portia Mount talks to three dynamic founders; Jennifer Martineau, President of Leap and Inspire Global, Tiffany Waddell Tate, CEO of Career Maven and Amy C. Waninger, founder and CEO of Lead at Any Level. We are going deep on allyship among women, and specifically allyship among Black women, women of color and white women. In this no holds barred conversation we talk about the barriers that keep us from being better allies to one another and what being a good accomplice and ally looks like.
LEADERSHIP QUALITIES – Equitable Culture – BY – Jennifer Martineau/Swamy Sriperumbudur
Jennifer Martineau shares the qualities of the leader one must have to lead in this crisis. She emphasizes one of the important quality Leader has to possess to create equitable and inclusive cultures in organizations to lead them successfully.
Better Human Project. Epispde 117: Jennifer Martineau | Feedback, Behavior Change, Episode 8
Hear ways to create a more inclusive workplace culture from Leadership Development Coach and Consultant, Jeffifer Martineau.

I was honored to be a guest on the podcast Use Your Powers for Good by host Carolyn Opher Mozell. The episode will post later

Inclusive Leadership in the Pentagon?
Ever since I met him, I have hoped this would happen someday, and it has! President-Elect Joseph Biden is nominating General Lloyd J. Austin III

Women Belong in All Places Where Decisions Are Being Made
The late Honorable Ruth Bader Ginsburg, associate justice of the Supreme Court of the US until her death on September 18, 2020, left us with

The Fallacy of Executive Order 13950
The recent Executive Order 13950 prohibits federal agencies, contractors, and grant recipients from using training that integrates specific content such as critical race theory or

The Power of Empathy
If you read my post last week, you’ll remember that I am working with a group of wonderful young adults who are learning to navigate

I. Don’t. Get. It.
Picture this: A practice-oriented, elective graduate course focused on navigating the challenges of equity, diversity, and inclusion that one may face in his or her career. A diverse group of students. All privileged in the sense of having a four year degree and embarking on a masters degree. Different in their lived experiences of gender, ethnicity, socio-economic background, family structure, regional upbringing, physical ability, and so on. A group of bright, well-intended, kind individuals. Different in their personal or observed experience with discrimination of many types.